Friday, January 22, 2010

"Title missing"

Hey all! Sorry for not blogging in a while.. Guess I’ll blame it on that we’ve had so much homework this week, (which is true) but there’s also a bit of laziness involved…   Oh well…
Sooo… what have I been up to this past week? Well apart from school and homework which isn’t so interesting to talk about, I took a Salsa dancing-class on Friday.. I’m really bad at walking in heels, and when I had to dance in them for 2 and a half hours, my feet weren’t too happy.. but at least I was. It was really fun. Great teachers, music  and I love to dance, so what else can you ask for?
  7 friends and I also took a day trip to the famous city of Oxford last Saturday! Had a great time there.  A beautiful, old and charming city.  I also (well my mom) ordered tickets to see Black Eyed Peas in May! YEY!  Can’t wait! “I’ve gotta feeling” by them is like THE Cambridge song!! So that’s gonna be awesome. Uhm.. what else? On Sunday Karoline and I went down to the city center to watch a light show.. The university of Cambridge is 800 years, so they created this massive lightshow, projected onto the   building.. Was really cool.. And tomorrow we are going to the city Bath and also Stonehenge! I’m really looking forward to that!! I can’t really imagine how it looks like in real life.. How big it is and everything.. Well we’ll find out tomorrow! Now we’re going out to eat and celebrate Ingvild’s (a girl in my class) 18th birthday!  Should be fun.. Not too long until I'm 18 either now.. Gosh I don't even want to think about it! I don't feel that "old" at all! I can't be turning 18 already ? I just want to stay 17 for ever... Oh enough blabbering.. Have to get ready for the Birthday party...See ya later!



Happy Birthday Ingi<3

5th of May!!

Stonehenge tomoz!


  1. STONEHENGE!!!! :o dæ e så sinnsykt kult! e klar heller ikke å sjå for me kor stort dæ e åg sånt.. glede me tell å sjå bildæ :D
    kor dæ e stonehenge e egentli?

  2. midt i gokk x) æ har ærlig talt ikke peiling ka det hete! Eller, Line sa det het Amesbury eller nåkka sånt:P men ligg sånn i sør vest av England :)
