Sunday, January 31, 2010

Norwich..I guess..?

Oh I’m horrible.. Haha I can’t sit still! A weekend without travel feels like a wasted weekend.. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere this week, but sitting in a boring Spanish class Friday afternoon, one of my friends Helene and I were talking about how much homework we have, and she was like, “Oh no I haven’t  done the Norwegian or the sociology homework which we have to be finished with on Monday and Tuesday….”  And then she said; “Wanna go to Norwich on Saturday??” (haha good planning Helene!)  And I of course thought “Why not!” Am finished with all the homework for next week, so if I go to Norwich on Saturday and do history all day Sunday I should be fine.. So that was it.. On Saturday at 10 o’clock we were going to Norwich.

Meeting up at the Train station Saturday morning I saw another familiar face, Marte from my class also decided to join us. Which meant we got a group discount! So we only paid £8 for Cambridge-Norwich + return.. Not bad!
So the three of us had a very good time walking around and seeing Norwich that day. It’s a very nice city and even though it’s not very big, we still managed to get lost a couple of times..  Saw Norwich castle, walked by some nice churches  and of course spent some time in the 2 big shopping centers they had there.. The hours went by and suddenly it was time to go home again.. When we returned to the train station the train was just leaving, so instead of running after it, we decided to take the next one. It didn’t go before one hour later, but we had no trouble making the time go by fast, and before we knew it, we were sitting on the train going home. Another wonderful day here in England. Oh how I love this country <3

Thursdays blog

(I wrote this on Thursday, but somehow forgot to post it.. woops.)

Hey’all! Just got back from my driving lesson.. Actually went pretty good today.. It has its ups and downs, but today was obviously a good day for driving, so am happy with that. Might also be that it was actually sunny and good weather outside.. I always, and I mean ALWAYS have lessons when it is dark and 99% of the time it is raining as well! No kidding, it somehow always rains when I’m out driving. Even Andrew, my driving instructor noticed that it’s always raining when we’re out driving..Oh well, guess it just makes me a better driver when it's sunny and good whether as well as being more prepared for when it's raining...

The teachers as school still keep us busy as always. We have a lot of homework and assignments before we have half term and get a week off from school the 13th of February. Can’t wait!! Gran Canaria, here we come! From we got back here after Christmas until we have half term it has/ it will be just constant homework and tests and assignments. Had a Chemistry test (which I by the way got a grade 6 on!!  I can’t even describe how much it means to get such a good grade when you work so hard in a subject you find really difficult, so I was REALLY happy with that ) We also had a math and English test today.. The English test went really bad for some reason, but the math went pretty good (I think).. Weird.. It usually is the other way around.. We also have to write 2000 words about the history of Tromsø (history) 1400 words about differences in marriage and family in two different cultures (sociology) 2 pages in Norwegian analyzing a short story.  And next week we start another assignment in chemistry + we have to write reports on all the experiments we do every week. And if that wasn’t enough we have an ESOL exam coming up in English just before half term. Really anxious about that.. they divide it into 4: reading, listening, speaking and writing and you have to pass all of them to pass the exam.. So we’ll see how that goes..
But I think I’ve been planning my days quite well, cause I do plenty of homework on the weekdays so I get most of the weekends off so I can travel and see more of England.. I love traveling. Which is definitely  in the Lilly gene. Not many in the Lilly family that doesn’t like to travel and see the world. 

Talking about traveling and seeing the world and Lillys.. My cousin Amanda from Colorado is studying in Barcelona this semester, and she is coming to London the first weekend of February, so I’m gonna go to London and see her for the day on Saturday the 6th . Can’t wait!! Haven’t seen her for like five years now.  
This weekend will probably be pretty quiet without any traveling  unfortunately.. Been going somewhere almost every weekend, so should probably stay at home and write on my history assignment… Am finished with the Norwegian and the sociology one+ the chemistry reports, so not much else to do except history.   OH, and by the way, my dog Miko was 6 years old today! Aww I wish I could be home right now with him.. But I got to talk to him on skype though and wish him a happy birthday so that was good. Haha J I love my dog!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bath & Stonehenge

On Saturday, 4 friends+ myself had to drag our buts out of bed at no later than 6 o'clock in the morning to go down to the bus stop in town. Oh joy! Being at Ingvilds birthday party Friday night, meant we hadn't gottn many hours of sleep. Oh well.. What to do? What to do? Anyways, this days adventure was non other than a very historical one. We were like you might have guessed (or more likely have read in the title), going to Bath and Stonehenge. After 3 and a half hours on the bus (ZzZzZzZzZz) we finally arrived at Stonehenge, which is in the middle of nowhere. Amazing how it was created there and why it was built and how the heck they did it?! Who knows? It was quite the experience seeing it in real life and not in pictures. So after an hour walking around what has to be the most famous rocks in the world, the bus headed for the city of Bath. Which is also very old and historical. The romans invaded the city over two thousand years ago and discovered the hot springs there and created a huge "spa-bath-temple-thing" for them to use. Thats where the city got it's name; Bath! The city also became a world heritage site in 1987.  Well enough of the history lesson.. (Rosalyn would be proud) .....We got about 4 hours in Bath before the bus went back to Cambridge, which was just enough. Not a very big city, but still plenty to see. We didn't want to spend too much money, so we mostly walked around just looking at everything and taking loads of photos.. Here are some:

And there it is!!


 Visited a very nice church

...and lit a candle for Einar, Grandma, Uncle Charlie and Bestefar <3

a famous bridge..

a famous building in the background..haha I
don't remember any of the names..

Jump Kitty, jump!

Dinner at California Kitchen... They almost make as good
food as my dad...just almost :-)

Friday, January 22, 2010

"Title missing"

Hey all! Sorry for not blogging in a while.. Guess I’ll blame it on that we’ve had so much homework this week, (which is true) but there’s also a bit of laziness involved…   Oh well…
Sooo… what have I been up to this past week? Well apart from school and homework which isn’t so interesting to talk about, I took a Salsa dancing-class on Friday.. I’m really bad at walking in heels, and when I had to dance in them for 2 and a half hours, my feet weren’t too happy.. but at least I was. It was really fun. Great teachers, music  and I love to dance, so what else can you ask for?
  7 friends and I also took a day trip to the famous city of Oxford last Saturday! Had a great time there.  A beautiful, old and charming city.  I also (well my mom) ordered tickets to see Black Eyed Peas in May! YEY!  Can’t wait! “I’ve gotta feeling” by them is like THE Cambridge song!! So that’s gonna be awesome. Uhm.. what else? On Sunday Karoline and I went down to the city center to watch a light show.. The university of Cambridge is 800 years, so they created this massive lightshow, projected onto the   building.. Was really cool.. And tomorrow we are going to the city Bath and also Stonehenge! I’m really looking forward to that!! I can’t really imagine how it looks like in real life.. How big it is and everything.. Well we’ll find out tomorrow! Now we’re going out to eat and celebrate Ingvild’s (a girl in my class) 18th birthday!  Should be fun.. Not too long until I'm 18 either now.. Gosh I don't even want to think about it! I don't feel that "old" at all! I can't be turning 18 already ? I just want to stay 17 for ever... Oh enough blabbering.. Have to get ready for the Birthday party...See ya later!



Happy Birthday Ingi<3

5th of May!!

Stonehenge tomoz!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The first week back

Only been here for a week now, but it feels like forever… The students that were here last year said that the months before Christmas were the worst, and everything went really slowly and people were homesick.. But after Christmas everything went really fast and everyone were enjoying the time here so much more and bla-bla-bla…  I feel the complete opposite… I weren’t homesick before Christmas and it went really fast, but now the days just go sooo slow and I’m missing home…L Being home for two weeks and seeing all the people I love, just made it a little harder going back here and knowing I won’t see them for many months.. And seeing our neighbors’ red cocker spaniel go by our house here doesn’t exactly help either… I miss my dog!!  Oh well, I guess it’s normal.. After another week or two everything will probably be back to normal and the days won’t feel so long anymore..I’m happy to be back, don’t get me wrong, I just wish I had a little more time at home, it went by too quickly..
There is so much to look forward to in the next few months, so I’m not gonna spent too much time moping about being here..  I’m happy to be back J I really am! Sooo…A little sum-up on the past week:

Haha, Karoline and I gathered all the food we brought from
home.. should last for a few months I think!

Went ice-skating

Went to the movies and saw "Avatar" in 3D.. Really good movie!

Talking with one of my best friends Marie, who lives in Kentucky
this year, on skype.. miss you honey..<3

Can't wait to see you again this summer!

Had to say good-bye to Malene, one of the most awesome girls
in my class, because she's moving back to Tromsø..
Cambridge won't be the same without you!


And we also got the day off Friday because of the snow+ only were at school for two hours on monday since it was so cold and everyone was sitting with hats and gloves on...Well, so despite a little homesickness the first week has been pretty good...Have a lot of homework the fallowing weeks, so plenty to do at school.. Chemistry test coming up on monday.. Yaiks!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year ...

Got this e-mail from my dad the other day.. Thought it was really cute... So even though it is a little late; Happy New Year everyone!

May you always make the right moves.

May your cup runneth over with love.

May you always find shelter from any storm.

May you remain good looking and looking good!

May you find the perfect diet for your soul.  (If this face doesn't make you want to stop eating sausage, nothing will.)

May you find perfect balance in the company you keep.

May you have as much fun as you can before someone makes you stop.

May the worst thing that happens to you come in slobberry pink and furry tan.

May you manage to make time for siesta.

May all the new folks you meet be interesting and kind.

May your accessories always harmonize with your natural beauty!

Should your mouth ever be bigger than your stomach, may you have a chewing good time!

May you always know when to walk away and know when to run. 

And may your friends always bring you joy!


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back in Cambs...

What a great two weeks I had at home with all my friends and family... Took a little vacation from bloging aswell, sorry about that.. but I'm back on track and will keep you up to date on whats going on here....
So... Yes had a very nice 2 week vacation at home and it was great seeing everyone again!
I'm going with some friends down to the ice skating rink soon, so don't have time to write about everything I did, but here are some pictures:

Bye bye England....

...Hello Tromsø!

Hmmm... Where have we been?

Working at the preschool


Visiting one of my best friends Sandra and her beautiful son Aron

Christmas eve dinner with family

me, bestemor (grandma) and my brother Anders

The best dog in the world! Miko<3

"Can we open presents soon? I'm bored.."


Still had to do some homework even though it's Christmas...

And suddenly it was the 1st of January...