Monday, January 25, 2010

Bath & Stonehenge

On Saturday, 4 friends+ myself had to drag our buts out of bed at no later than 6 o'clock in the morning to go down to the bus stop in town. Oh joy! Being at Ingvilds birthday party Friday night, meant we hadn't gottn many hours of sleep. Oh well.. What to do? What to do? Anyways, this days adventure was non other than a very historical one. We were like you might have guessed (or more likely have read in the title), going to Bath and Stonehenge. After 3 and a half hours on the bus (ZzZzZzZzZz) we finally arrived at Stonehenge, which is in the middle of nowhere. Amazing how it was created there and why it was built and how the heck they did it?! Who knows? It was quite the experience seeing it in real life and not in pictures. So after an hour walking around what has to be the most famous rocks in the world, the bus headed for the city of Bath. Which is also very old and historical. The romans invaded the city over two thousand years ago and discovered the hot springs there and created a huge "spa-bath-temple-thing" for them to use. Thats where the city got it's name; Bath! The city also became a world heritage site in 1987.  Well enough of the history lesson.. (Rosalyn would be proud) .....We got about 4 hours in Bath before the bus went back to Cambridge, which was just enough. Not a very big city, but still plenty to see. We didn't want to spend too much money, so we mostly walked around just looking at everything and taking loads of photos.. Here are some:

And there it is!!


 Visited a very nice church

...and lit a candle for Einar, Grandma, Uncle Charlie and Bestefar <3

a famous bridge..

a famous building in the background..haha I
don't remember any of the names..

Jump Kitty, jump!

Dinner at California Kitchen... They almost make as good
food as my dad...just almost :-)


  1. that's so exciting! e ælske historiske teng :) du e så flenk å ta bildæ :D

  2. Stonehenge was cool! Hehe, det va en laaang dag, men totally verdt det! (OK, hundrede gangen æ prøve å kommentere, NU må det gå... xD Prøve å sette mæ som anonym, kanskje det funke...)

    Just in case; hilsen Karoline! ♥

  3. Woooooho, det funka!

  4. haha! Det e virkelig komplisert å kommentere på hverandre sine blogga må æ si x) Skakke være lætt!
