Friday, December 18, 2009

I'm going HOME :D

Got the day off from school today because of 3-4 cm of snow.. haha pathetic! But had plenty of time to pack up my things and I even walked to town just to get out of the house and see the snow on my last day i Cambridge year 2009... There were loads of people outside making snowmen and playing in the snow. Funny how something I think is so common is so special for the people here since they so rarely see snow.. Brought my camera along with me so here are some pictures of Cambridge during proper winter!

woke up to this beautiful weather this morning

Our house <3


Aaah... I'va had a fantastic 3 months here in Cambridge, and looking forward to the new year here... Many new adventures to come! Well.. My suitcase is packed and the taxi will be here in 15 minutes, so guess I have to go... Next time I'm blogging I'll be at HOME :-) oh yeah!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Never mind what I said earlier about there not being any snow here.. I have no idea what has happened, it hardly ever snows here, but suddenly today it started to snow like crazy!! Been full snow-storm the past hours or so, and some parts of Cambridge has lost its electricity... We most likely will get the day off from school tomorrow, since the college har to close when it's snowing because.... Well really I don't know why... English people are wimps! Everything just stops when the snow comes... Pretty funny watching everyone panic for 4-5 cm of snow, when at home 40-50 is common.. Oh well, their not as  tough as us norwegians..
My only concern is that the bus to the airport will be dalayed Friday night, so we'll miss our plane home... That will be aweful! But hopefully, we'll be fine... So for now I'm enjoying the sight of snow everywhere...
A winter wonderland it is!

some people making a snowman at the busstop!

snoooow <3

facebook statuses...apparently it's snowing!? for anyone who don't speak norwegian, snø means snow.. (click on the picture to make it bigger)

Let me go home..

I love this song! Michael Bublè has such a nice voice and the lyrics are so true right now.. I just wanna go home...
Have a listen :-)

Ready for Christmas

Oh yes! Can't think about anything else these days... I'm actually going to be home in just 2 days! I can't believe it! Feels like I've been here in Cambridge forever, but at the same time it feels like I just got here.. Weird...It'll be great to get back home for two weeks and see my family, dog and friends again!

It doesn’t really feel that much like Christmas here.. Not much Christmas lights around here (people here have a tendency to either not put up any Christmas decorations, or decorate their whole house. And I live in a area where no one decorates unfortunately), And even worse, NO SNOW!! I’m really missing the snow at home! It better be lots and lots of it when I get home this Saturday!

The Christmas spirit is still here a little with my advent calendar from my mom: (thanks alot <3 )

A scratcher calender card:

A advent calendar for Karoline and I, from Karoline’s little sister:

A advent candle:

Baking :

And listening to Christmas songs:

Bring on december 19 th!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

….And all that jazz!

Karoline and I have decided that we are going to try all the different dance classes they have down in town at this dance studio called ”bodywork.” We’ve been talking about it for really long, but we haven’t really gotten our butts down there+ it’s been so busy at school so haven’t really had much time the past weeks. They offer all kinds of dance classes from hip-hop to ballet... A girl in my class, Helene, has been talking about trying jazz for soo long, and she wanted someone to go with her, but since I have had photography classes the previous 10 Wednesdays, I couldn’t go with her until today.. So we agreed that we were going to meet there at 7.45… But when I got there…. No Helene…! She had totally forgotten about it that silly girl.. Haha, So Karoline and I had to go without her… Oh well.. I thought it was really fun, so I’ll probably go back sometime after Christmas…Helene you better not forget about it then! ;)

I'm a brunette now..!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Today Karoline, Malene and I went to the beauty salon at our school and got manicures and a back massages. It took one hour for the manicure and half an hour for the massage, and we only paid 10 pounds!! (about 94kr or 16 dollars) That’s really cheap, and it was soooo lovely! Just what I needed to finish up this semester.. And going back tomorrow to get my hair done.. So I’m ready for some vacation now!! 4 days left :-)

Monday, December 14, 2009


Today we got this semesters chemistry grades and guess what! I got a grade six! I never brag about grades or anything, I hate that, but this was just so unexpected and I don’t think I have ever been that happy to get a top grade on anything. I really like chemistry, but I think it is soooo difficult. I have no idea how many hours I’ve been reading and writing and getting frustrated because I don’t understand anything.. I’m the only one in the chemistry class that don’t take physics and all those “just for smart people” subjects, so I have been working really hard to understand everything you have to understand in chemistry, and trust me, it’s A LOT! But I guess hard work pays off! And I couldn’t be happier with six on both the assignment and the test we had.. And a big thank you to my genius of a roommate, Karoline, for helping me when I needed it. I really appreciate it! Ah I’m so happy ! :-D

…..Well have to get ready now. Our class is going out to eat since this is the last week here in Cambs before Christmas.. Can’t believe I’ll be home again in just 5 days!! Can’t wait..

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Just got back from”Golden Hind”, a pub down the road from where I live. They serve food there, so some friends and I went there to eat dinner and watch the soccer match between Liverpool and Arsenal. It was an important game for Liverpool regarding next year’s Champions League qualification.. And they are already down on 7th place on the premier League table… So they really needed to win this game.. Well, they played really good during the first half of the game and Kuyt scored, but the second half went terrible and Arsenal scored twice.. Oh well.. Can’t win every time…

At least we got one goal... Go Kuyt!


Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Christmas Carol...

Last Friday something really random happened during Spanish class.. Suddenly the door went up and this 1 meter tall nun came walking in the door, and as if that wasn’t enough she started speaking Norwegian as well!! She apparently was working at the college and she had lived in Norway for 12 years.. So she wanted to know if we wanted to sing Norwegian Christmas songs in “the mall” at school.. Why not! So 3 times last week we stood in the hallway and sang Norwegian songs. Got some weird looks from some of the English students , but a lot of people stopped and listened.. Even though they didn’t understand anything of what we were singing about, they were smiling and clapping.. So that got the Christmas spirit up a bit, at least for us Norwegians. And I have to say, Sister Anna Mary is the smallest, but coolest nun I have met!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"where I can run, just as fast as I can"

Puuuh! With the theory FINALLY out of the way, let me tell you about last Tuesday when Karoline and I went to see Pink at the O2 arena.. ! the whole day was 50 % constant stress ("running as fast as we could" as Pink sings in her song "just like a pill",) and 50 % constant joy, but the concert being so great it pretty much made up for all the stress.. Anyways... From the beginning: The bus from Cambridge left at 17:30, and Karoline was finished at school at 17:00 = STRESS!! That has to be the fastest we have ever ridden out bikes down to town! But we made the bus and could relax.. The car theory book was of course with me so I pretty much read the whole way.. The bus was delayed and when we got to the bus station it was only a little over half an hour until Pink was going on stage… So we had to run to the underground station and catch the first train to the arena.. Got off at Greenwich station and ran as fast as we could towards the arena. Got by security with our cameras which are not allowed in the arena (they don’t want “professional” photos taken by others then themselves) The security guy wouldn’t first let us by, but when we said that we came aaaaaaall the way from Norway for this concert (that line works every time!) he let us in, but we had to promise we wouldn’t take any pictures or else we would get kicked out. So we happily entered the arena and again, we ran towards our entrance which of course was as far as you could go..The concert was just about to start according to the speakers… puuuh! At entrance 422 all the way at the very top and the very last door we found our seats and could finally take a break.

And the concert could start! Concerts has to be my favorite thing in the world! Aaah! Just watching someone so famous standing there in front of you on a stage singing songs you know all the words to and you can just sing and dance along as much as you want! Nothing like it. Pink, or Alicia Moore, which is her real name has to be one of the most genuine singers out there.. she is 100 % herself all the time and she has such a nice voice. We had an awesome time during the whole concert and we also took pictures (you can’t keep all your promises all of the time! Sorry Mr. Security guy) She sang pretty much every song I wanted to hear: Who knew, dear Mr. president, trouble, stupid girls, funhouse, bad influence, sober, so what, please don’t leave me, family portrait, just like a pill+++ WICKED!!

The last bus for Cambridge left London at 23:30, so to catch it we had to leave a bit early, and again… we had to run! It took at least half an hour by the underground to the bus station if we were lucky and all the trains were on time, and standing there waiting for the first train at 23:00, it was pretty clear we were not going to make it… But with some smart thinking we found out we could catch the bus from another bus stop we thought it might stop at (?) It was a bit risky, but we didn’t have much of a choice… so jumped off the underground and ran as fast we could towards the “bakerloo” train.. It was just about to depart, so we jumped inn right as the doors were closing. We then noticed we were on the wrong train… we were supposed to be on the northbound, this was the south bound.. Great! 10 minutes until the bus left, but there was nothing left to do but get off at the next station and take the northbound train up again… so we did that and….ran.. to the bus stop we thought the bus might stop at. Aaah stress!! But we made it just in time and the bus stopped there… puuh! We were exhausted and we both fell asleep on the way home… No more running for a while I tell ya!

Here are more pictures from the concert:

She's totally looking straight into our camera!

I love her smile :-)


Today came the day I had been so incredible nervous for, for so long. The car theory test on the 10 of December at 11.30… I had been reading since October but still there is a lot you have to know ! But yeah, I took it and I passed!! 49 out of 50 correct answers! I’m soooo happy I am finished with it now… puuuh!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Yesterday Karoline and I went to London to see Pink!! It was an awesome consert! she is an exelent performer and has such a nice voice! Sorry I don't have much time to tell you about it today, have to read for my theory test TOMORROW!   But here are a few pictures:

Will write more about it and post more pictures tomorrow when I hopefully have passed my test!
see ya!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Chocoholics in B-ham!

Been craaazy busy at school this past week, so haven’t had time to tell you about the Birmingham trip last Saturday… Well here it goes:

Karoline and I got up at five in the morning, rode our bikes in the pouring rain down to the bus station, got on the bus, sat there for almost two hours, had to change bus in Milton Keynes, it was freezing cold there, after 45 minutes at the shabby bus stop, the Birmingham- bus finally came and took us the rest of the way. When we got off the bus it looked like we had jumped right into an industrial city from the 40’s… Big old warehouses , gray fallen down buildings, smoke coming up from old chimneys on factories that probably had been there for four or five decades... Oh gosh what had we gotten ourselves in to? It’s not like either me or Karoline, to just go somewhere without planning or even having looked at a map. But we decided to just go to Birmingham and find out for ourselves the way around and everything… Well now we stood there just looking around at the shabby old building and didn’t quite know what to do. Just looked at each other and laughed really…

Well we found the information desk at the bus station and picket up a map and got directions to the city centre which was only a 5 minute walk away.. And MAN it was like we were in a different city! Big shopping centers and a very modern area. So we walked around there for about 2-3 hours befor we took the train to a little village called Bourneville. And what did we do there you might ask.. Well…. We went to a giant CHOCOLATE FACTORY!! :D aaah it was awesooome! “Cadbury” which is the name of it, is the biggest chocolate producer here in England and we had a blast going through it. They had made it into almost like a little theme park with rides, various chocolate tastings and of course you got to see how chocolate is made. We weren’t allowed to take many pictures inside the factory, but here are some from our day.. (I would definitely go back to Birmingham if I got the chance. As long as you get out from the bus-station area, it’s a beautiful city!!)  Well yes, here are the pictures:


Having a rest

on the train to Bourneville!

after various signs we finally found it!

Chocolate tasting!


We're made of chocolate!

Chocolate gift-shop you said?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Busy bee!

Haven’t blogged for a while now… Been crazy busy at school this past week and next week isn’t much better. Have a ton of homework, 2 presentation, 1 chemistry test (oh nooo) and one long rapport about history before Wednesday… busy, busy! So just a little update on what has happened this past week and what is still to come:

-went to the nigh premiere of”new moon” , the new Twilight movie last Thursday. Started at 00.01 and the whole movie theatre was packed with like 99% girls… I’m not really a huge twilight-fan (one of the few) and it was really late and I was kind of tires sooo……I fell asleep x] haha the other girls in my class just couldn’t believe how I could possible fall asleep during a TWILIGHT movie! Haha, but oh-well… I’ll buy the DVD when it comes out, so no worries!

-Booked my car theory test last week aswell, so have to read alot these fallowing weeks. Hopefully I'll pass, but if not, my driving school pays for the second test ..

-were in London last Saturday with the class. Went to see a play at the National Theatre. It was pretty much crap.. didn’t understand anything of it.. But we had like 10 hours free-time before the play so had a great time with friends just walking around. Even went to the British museum and the National Gallery! Wow, I’m really starting to be like my mom… And outside the NG there was of course Nelsons Column with his four lions around him, so we decided to try and climb up there, like all the other tourists… Easier said than done! But we managed to get up there at last..

 On my was to Hogwarts!

mocha frappuccino <3

London eye!

-today is Thanksgiving! So sending my thoughts out to everyone celebrating that today! Also to them not being able to be with their family. So happy turkey day to you all!

- today is my roommate birthday! so happy birthday Karoline, you’re the best<3 also my “grandma” Eva has a birthday today as well so hope both of you have a good day! I love you

-many things to celebrate today! It is also one year since the best day of my life! The 26.of November 2008 when I went to my very first Mcfly concert! And not just any other concert, a TOTALLY unexpected private concert for a small audience in a random place in London. That whole week in England last year was totally awesome with 3 mcfly concerts all together, but the 26 especially was indescribable good since it was soo unexpected and we also got to meet the band after the concert, so yeah the best day ever<3 So thank you to all the awesome girls I travelled with that week: Emma, Cecilie, Katrine, Katarina, Stine, May-Linn and Tine. I miss you guys.

-on Monday Karoline and I booked tickets to go to Gran Canaria in February during our winter vacation! Can’t wait! Will be good with some sun during those cold winter months.

-This weekend we are also traveling to Birmingham! Nothing special happening there, but we just wanted to see the city. And we found out that they have a huge chocolate factory there, so will definitely pay that a visit!

-And finally our concert tickets for “Pink” arrived today in the mail, so we’re all set for the concert in December.

Puuuh, very much happening at one time, but thats the way I like it!  Well my blog is plenty long now, so I'll stop.. Have to get back to my History assignmen now. The great philosopher Socates is waiting to be written about.... Our host-mom has made pizza and a cake for Karoline birthday, but apart from that we'll be studying the rest of the evening, we'll celebrate her birthday more in Birmingham this weekend... So bye bye for now. Hope everyone is having a good day!